A Match Made in Publishing Heaven

Another way STN Video puts publishers in a position for success

Say you’ve got a piano to move. You wouldn’t dare move it by yourself, right? It takes a team of people to move something that heavy. Leveraging extra support is a necessity in today’s world, and it’s no different in the digital publishing realm.

When you seek out help, what are the parameters with which you use to qualify? What is the monetary or opportunity cost of this help? What is the value you get for the cost? What internal resources must you employ if you DON’T obtain the help?

In the tech world, everyone knows or has used Google in some way, shape or form. For us, Google is part of our way of life. Over the years, we’ve established relationships at Google and have learned the ins and outs of the suite of products and services Google provides. This work has brought about many benefits, one in particular is being named a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP). As a member of the GCPP program, STN has the opportunity to work directly with the Google team on new technology initiatives, beta programs, and personalized monetization opportunities to drive more revenue for partners. 

The ‘club’ of GCPPs is exclusive to only those who prove “they are an expert using Google products and provide publishers with innovative solutions and services (says Google),” and we’re proud to be one of only 51 companies in the world who’ve achieved this status. Having the certification is a guarantee of our trained expertise (in the case of STN Video, our expertise in all things digital video) and is a testament to the power that quality and contextually relevant video delivers. Our publishers have long recognized the value we bring as it relates to their revenue growth and elevated user experience by attracting the most profitable and relevant digital video technology, content and monetization solutions. Seeing the GCPP badge on our materials is just one more way we serve our partners so that they can focus on creating and publishing impactful content.

Can we really put a finger on the impact of working with Google as a GCPP? Most definitely! Here’s some data* provided by Google:

  • 95% of publishers say their Google Certified Publishing Partner is important to their business success
  • 84% of publishers are very satisfied, overall with their GCPP
  • 73% of publishers count on their GCPP for all sales support

Along with top-notch expertise to offer our publishers, we continually develop new player technology with our online video platform (OVP) in order to aid publishers in their efforts to deliver the best possible experience to their readers. For example, our latest webinar focused on helping our publishers better understand the importance of and gain traction on their Core Web Vitals. 

Statistica, a leading provider of market and consumer data, published a report recently stating that digital video ad spending is anticipated to increase from 40.6% in 2021 to 63.6% by 2025—a nearly 60% increase! These numbers show the importance of getting digital video right and right now. Publishers who have adopted STN as their OVP have seen growth of up to 1000% in revenue in year-over-year case studies along with 20x increases in video viewership. Keep an eye out for what’s next!

*Source: 2019 publisher satisfaction study conducted by Netpop Research LLC

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